On our company's Christmas celebration (December 2013) all employees got a small present: A Raspberry Pi. This was the initial event for me to investigate what (internet of) things can be done driven by this tiny computer.

This blog is to document my findings and to share what others shared with me.

Freitag, 25. August 2017

sauna temperature measure device

Two years ago I built a sauna. Since our house has no basement the sauna is not within the house. It is in a detached house:

Especially in winter we don't want to waste to much energy and use the sauna as soon as the temperature is OK. So in the last two years we needed to guess after which period it is OK or go outside to check the temperature.

Now I installed an ESP8266 module to measure the temperature so I can check from inside the main building.

This is quite simple and takes just a few steps:
  1. Buy a DS18B20 temperature sensor
  2. Buy a nodemcu ESP8266 module
  3. Connect them as shown
  4. Install the software (see GitHub)
  5. Install the device in your sauna
 That's it 😊

How to connect the sensor
The sensor placed in the sauna
The ESP8266 module in the sauna
The result

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